In addition to our solar panel cleaning services, we offer gutter cleaning and high pressure washing services for the Whitsunday community. With a commitment to professionalism and customer satisfaction, we pride ourselves on delivering quality cleaning services for both commercial and residential properties.
With our expertise and advanced techniques, you can trust us to provide reliable and efficient pressure washing and gutter cleaning services to keep your property safe and looking great. Fully licenced with exceptional attention to detail. So, whether there’s mould growth on your roof or leaves in your gutters, the team at S&K Solar Clean are happy to help!
Certified to work at heights, our fully qualified team offers professional high pressure washing services to keep your solar panels, roof and other exterior surfaces, spotless. Our powerful cleaning techniques eliminate stubborn dirt, moss, mould and mildew from your roof.
With high pressure washing, you can extend the life of your roof and increase your property value. At S & K Solar Clean, we also take care of driveways, roof cleaning, exterior house cleans, pool surrounding for both residential and commercial.
At S&K Solar Clean, we understand the importance of well-maintained gutters for the safety and up-keep of your property. Gutters are an essential part of your roofing system, directing water away from your property and channelling it into downpipes and storm drains. Our dedicated gutter cleaning service ensures that your gutters remain free from leaves, debris and other blockages, preventing water damage and facilitating proper drainage.
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